Archive | August, 2010

Comics: A True Underdog Story

22 Aug

It’s no secret that comic books have had a hard time finding their footing in the midst of giants like literature, film, and television.  The common sentiment is that comics are somehow inherently immature, an idea that stems from the basic connection between comics and children’s picture books.  This thought often resolves that comics are unable to convey anything of significance.  Anyone who’s ever picked up a good comic knows that nothing could be further from the truth.

Interestingly enough, the movie industry is one of the primary influences on a growing comic culture in America.  The onslaught of superhero movies combined with other comic-based films, like Sin City, 300, and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, have spurred many moviegoers to flip through a comic book or two – at least, that’s how I got into them.

In this blog, I just want to share my personal experience with comics in the hopes that you too will take the leap into a new, incredibly fun medium.