Archive | September, 2010

New Blog!

12 Sep

This has nothing to do with comic books, but I’ve started another blog for my NMIX 4110 class.  It’s a little more informal and silly than this one since its purpose is just to learn the ins and outs of WordPress, but you can check it out here.

Comic Book Review: “Fables”

10 Sep

Okay, okay, so maybe a series featuring fairy tale characters living in modern-day New York doesn’t seem like any sort of departure from the juvenile status comic books have been reduced to in the public eye, but when you take into account the violent and disturbing nature of most original stories and creator Bill Willingham’s brilliant tweaks, like having Prince Charming be the same Prince Charming who seduced Snow White, Cinderella, and Briar Rose (and subsequently dumped all three), Fables becomes an irresistible saga for mature comic readers.

First of all, let me warn you – Fables is addicting.  Very addicting.  I just started reading the series this past summer and I’m already caught up with the newest issues.  And that’s saying something considering that they’re working on the landmark Issue #100 at the moment.

The first volume of Fables, Legends in Exile, is different from the rest in that it is a self-contained murder mystery with little influence on the extensive storylines that follow.  However, these issues do a fantastic job in introducing the universe and, more importantly, the characters.  Throughout the series, which becomes a truly epic tale of war, every single character is given a time to shine. From Boy Blue to Pinocchio to the Big Bad Wolf (Bigby, as he’s called now), even the most innocuous characters get a chance in the spotlight.  The life that Bill Willingham is able to put into this series is simply incredible.  Filled with clever writing and unforeseeable plot twists, these comics are nearly impossible to put down.

Final verdict?  Fables is smart, funny, fresh, and hands down one of the best comics currently being produced.  If you’re looking to get into comic books, Fables is the place to start.

By the way, you can read Issue #1 online here.  I highly recommend it!