Comic Book Review: “Y: The Last Man”

14 Oct

What if every male on Earth suddenly died, except for an amateur escape artist and his pet monkey?  This is the premise of Brian K. Vaughn’s brilliant, thought-provoking series, Y: The Last Man, which follows Yorick Brown and his Capuchin, Ampersand, through a pseudo-post-apocalyptic world.

I have to admit that, though this series is completed at ten volumes made up of sixty issues, I haven’t finished it yet.  This isn’t because of a lack of interest, but because I just started reading it.  It is such a great read that I wanted to share it as quickly as possible.  Rest assured, I will be finishing the series in the near future.

Anyway, imagine, if you will, this almost man-less world.  Millions are dead – men and women alike.  All that’s left is a huge mixture of women and one Yorick Brown.  Vaughn does a great job of playing with gender stereotypes in these books, which can strongly be seen in women’s efforts to reestablish peace and in their dealings with the last man.  Some want to kill him, some want to use him to populate, some really just don’t care at all.

Thrown into the most potentially powerful role in the universe, Yorick could do anything he wants.  All he really wants, though, is to find his girlfriend who had been in Australia at the time of the incident.  The character of Yorick is so great because the burden of being the last man on Earth must somehow fit with his quirky and sarcastic personality.  Of course, the majority of the characters in the series are women.  The thought and ideas of these characters, trying to rebuild the world from the ground up, are truly fascinating.  Vaughn really thinks of every single complication that could arise in a world without men, and he uses female characters to show possible answers to these problems.

If you are at all interested in the comic, or even just the concept itself, take a look at a preview here.

One Response to “Comic Book Review: “Y: The Last Man””

  1. marklashley October 15, 2010 at 9:37 AM #

    This sounds really good.

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