The Sunday Funnies: Do the Foxtrot

14 Nov

If there’s one comic strip that defines my preteen years, it’s Bill Amend’s FoxTrot.  It was a rare moment in middle school if I didn’t have this comic somewhere nearby.  Even though Amend has gone into semi-retirement, only publishing new strips on Sundays, FoxTrot remains one of my all-time favorites.

I think that out of all the family-oriented comic strips out there, FoxTrot best represent the modern age.  The Fox family unit is made up of the dim-witted but passionate father, Roger, his generally responsible wife, Andy, their teenage daughter, Paige, and their two sons, Peter, the wannabe sports player, and Jason, the nerdy genius.  What really makes this strip great is the relationship between each of the characters.  Amend creates a unique dynamic between all of these characters – usually to a comedic end – but always with a lot of heart.

The frequent incorporation of pop culture fads is what allows the audience to connect with these characters on a personal level.  For example, Andy went through a crazy Beanie Baby phase, and Jason can often be seen playing spoofs of popular videogames like Mortal Karnage and World of WarQuest.  The strip is great for those still in school because, stuck in time, these characters are constantly running into what become shared experiences.  Jason is always in elementary school, Paige is always an incoming high school freshman, and Peter is always a high school upperclassman.

Of course, the main point of the strip is to make you laugh – and it definitely does.  So if you’re looking for a funny, relatable, endearing comic, visit the official Foxtrot website to see the most recent strips.


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