Archive | January, 2011

Update! What’s New?

12 Jan

Ok, so I haven’t posted in a while.  Why, you ask?  Well, 1) this was a class assignment and 2) I haven’t read any new comic series.  Now that’s not to say I haven’t been reading comics at all.  Over Christmas break, I read the latest volume of Fables and I also read more of Y: The Last Man and Chew.  Anyway, I may update things on here every once and a while since this site is somehow getting daily traffic.  Meanwhile, you can check out something else I’ve been working on – my own comic strip.

That’s right, I’ve been making a comic strip.  It’s called “woot wOoT” and it’s based on the classic N64 game, The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.  Go to to look at the comics I’ve made thus far.  I’ll be updating that site regularly.  Thanks!
