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Update! What’s New?

12 Jan

Ok, so I haven’t posted in a while.  Why, you ask?  Well, 1) this was a class assignment and 2) I haven’t read any new comic series.  Now that’s not to say I haven’t been reading comics at all.  Over Christmas break, I read the latest volume of Fables and I also read more of Y: The Last Man and Chew.  Anyway, I may update things on here every once and a while since this site is somehow getting daily traffic.  Meanwhile, you can check out something else I’ve been working on – my own comic strip.

That’s right, I’ve been making a comic strip.  It’s called “woot wOoT” and it’s based on the classic N64 game, The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.  Go to to look at the comics I’ve made thus far.  I’ll be updating that site regularly.  Thanks!


Where Are These Comics You Speak Of?

13 Nov

Today I was visiting Bizarro-Wuxtry, the comic book shop above Wuxtry Records in downtown Athens, for the first time when I realized that I’ve been writing about comics, but neglecting to tell my readers how to actually get their hands on them.  There are generally two ways to collect comics.  As you may know, comic books are printed in issues; depending on the publisher, these issues may be produced weekly, biweekly, monthly, or on some other patterned schedule.  After the writer has completed a single story arc across several issues, they will often be combined into a volume to be sold together.

I have always bought my comics in volume form just because I prefer to read an entire story without having to wait weeks in between plot lines.  Volumes are frequently sold at major bookstores, like Borders or Barnes & Noble.  Because of the popularity of comic-based films, these stores have starting carrying a respectable collection of comic books.  I personally like to buy my comics from Borders because, as a Borders rewards member, I can get 40% off any item about once a week.  This nice discount reduces the damage to my wallet that collecting inevitably brings.

Besides your corporate bookstores, you can also purchase comic books from indie comic shops, like Bizarro-Wuxtry.  These shops almost always have a great atmosphere and friendly workers.  Also, their selection of comics is huge.  On my visit to Bizzaro-Wuxtry today, I found every comic that I have mentioned in this blog and more – much, much more.  The main difference between these shops and, say, Borders, is that these stores carry comics in both issue and volume form.  So if you just have to keep up with the latest issue of your favorite series, a store like this is your best bet.  Also, most of these shops support trade-ins, meaning that you can swap your old comics for new ones without an extra charge.

Other ways to get comics include getting a subscription, so that each issue is sent directly to your address upon its release, and checking them out from a public library.  I know my library back home has a decent selection of comics, which is sure to grow.  And, if you really want to read some comics, find a friend or classmate who collects.  I know I’m always happy to lend out my comics for those who are interested – you just have to ask.

Zombies on Television!

18 Oct

The Walking Dead, based on the critically acclaimed zombie-themed comic book series by Robert Kirkman, premieres October 31st at 10/9c on AMC.  The television show is being written, directed, and produced by Frank Darabont, director of The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile.  Check out the awesome trailer below and be sure to tune in to the premiere this Halloween.

New Blog!

12 Sep

This has nothing to do with comic books, but I’ve started another blog for my NMIX 4110 class.  It’s a little more informal and silly than this one since its purpose is just to learn the ins and outs of WordPress, but you can check it out here.

Comics: A True Underdog Story

22 Aug

It’s no secret that comic books have had a hard time finding their footing in the midst of giants like literature, film, and television.  The common sentiment is that comics are somehow inherently immature, an idea that stems from the basic connection between comics and children’s picture books.  This thought often resolves that comics are unable to convey anything of significance.  Anyone who’s ever picked up a good comic knows that nothing could be further from the truth.

Interestingly enough, the movie industry is one of the primary influences on a growing comic culture in America.  The onslaught of superhero movies combined with other comic-based films, like Sin City, 300, and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, have spurred many moviegoers to flip through a comic book or two – at least, that’s how I got into them.

In this blog, I just want to share my personal experience with comics in the hopes that you too will take the leap into a new, incredibly fun medium.